Baldurs Gate 3 Cauldron Of Boiling Theriac: How To Craft & Use

Baldurs Gate 3 Cauldron Of Boiling Theriac in Druid’s Grove is crucial for completing a quest that has to be completed with Nettie. The epic role-playing game Baldur’s Gate 3 has a plethora of mysteries and missions to discover. The Cauldron of Boiling Theriac is one of the many intriguing elements that are scattered around the game and is essential for alchemical operations.

In this guide, we explore the intricate details of the Cauldron of Boiling Theriac and provide advice on how to make the most of it within the vast Baldur’s Gate 3 world.

What Is Baldurs Gate 3 Cauldron Of Boiling Theriac

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What Is Baldurs Gate 3 Cauldron Of Boiling Theriac

In the world of Baldur’s Gate 3, players can combine various elixirs, potions, weapons, and coatings using the Cauldron of Boiling Theriac. One of the primary aspects of the game is alchemy, and players may improve their characters’ powers by using cauldrons like the one at Druid’s Grove.

Gathering particular parts is necessary for players to use the cauldron to craft potions and elixirs. Every elixir or potion has unique benefits when used in battle.

Usually, the main objective is to make resistance potions, which are essential for fighting various kinds of enemies. In addition, the cauldron can create special elixirs, which gives players a big edge while overcoming the game’s obstacles.

How To Craft Baldurs Gate 3 Cauldron Of Boiling Theriac

Players must first find the Cauldron of Boiling Theriac inside the vast Baldur’s Gate 3 universe in order to access its potential. The cauldron is located in the Druid’s Chamber, more precisely in Nettie’s chamber in Druid’s Grove. One of the main NPCs in the “Remove the parasite” quest is Nettie.

It’s important to remember that your interactions with Nettie throughout the journey might have adverse consequences. If players behave badly or create a disturbance, the NPC could become hostile.

But because of the quest’s urgency, players must discover a way to cure the parasite, which means that efficient interaction is essential to moving forward.

How To Use Baldurs Gate 3 Cauldron Of Boiling Theriac

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How To Use Cauldron Of Boiling Theriac in Baldurs Gate 3

To make elixirs or potions, players need to find the cauldron and acquire specific items. To make an Elixir of Silvanus, for example, players may utilize the Baldurs Gate 3 Cauldron of Boiling Theriac. For this specific elixir, the mugwort bundle must be combined with other necessary materials. During the quest, Nettie inflicts poison, and the Elixir of Silvanus becomes essential for clearing the poison.

It’s unclear as of right now whether players may use the cauldron in Druid’s Grove to create elixirs other than Silvanus’s Elixir. To test the capabilities of the cauldron and determine if it enables the development of a wider variety of elixirs, players may experiment with various combinations of items.


To put it simply, players may make and brew elixirs in Baldur’s Gate 3 using any cauldron, giving them a strategic edge. There’s a degree of mystery around the Baldurs Gate 3 Cauldron of Boiling Theriac in Druid’s Grove since it’s not obvious whether it allows for the creation of elixirs other than Silvanus’s Elixir. Nevertheless, in order to realize the cauldron’s full potential, players are urged to investigate and try new things.

Finally, this guide helps players find and use the Cauldron of Boiling Theriac in Baldur’s Gate 3. May the mysteries of alchemy reveal themselves to you as you go through the game, opening new possibilities and methods for overcoming the obstacles that lie ahead.


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