How To Get The Proboscis Cernos In Warframe – Complete Guide

As an enhanced variant of the powerful Mutalist Cernos bow, the Proboscis Cernos stands out in the dynamic Warframe world. The toxic bolts of its predecessor’s bow are replaced with tendrils in this potent Infested bow, which not only attracts adversaries but also does viral harm. We will examine How to Get the Proboscis Cernos in Warframe, its characteristics, and whether or not it’s a valuable addition to your arsenal in this extensive guide.

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How To Get The Proboscis Cernos In Warframe

How-To-Get-The-Proboscis-Cernos-In-Warframe-300x169 How To Get The Proboscis Cernos In Warframe - Complete Guide
How To Get The Proboscis Cernos In Warframe

If you already have the necessary items, obtaining the Proboscis Cernos is a simple procedure. You may gain this improved Infested bow by completing these steps:

Make sure you have a Mutalist Cernos bow in your inventory before you start. The Mutalist Cernos blueprint is available on the Market for 20,000 Credits.

After that, get the Proboscis Cernos blueprint, which is likewise on the Market. The price of this blueprint is 30,000 credits. After obtaining the blueprints, go to your Foundry to begin crafting the Proboscis Cernos.

The following are the crafting requirements for How to Get the Proboscis Cernos in Warframe:

  • Credits x15,000
  • Mutalist Cernos x 1
  • Polymer Bundle x 1,600
  • Nitain Extract x 5
  • Nano Spores x 25,000

Mix all of these components in the Foundry to begin the process of making. Your Mutalist Cernos becomes the enhanced Proboscis Cernos as a result.

To effectively gain the Proboscis Cernos, you must comprehend and collect the required components. By following these procedures, you may easily add this powerful bow to your Warframe arsenal.

Proboscis Cernos Stats In Warframe

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Proboscis Cernos Stats

With a unique collection of qualities, the Warframe Proboscis Cernos is an excellent weapon on the battlefield. Warframe players need to comprehend these attributes if they want to fully use the enhanced Infested bow:

Proboscis Cernos Primary Stats

  • Accuracy: 16.7
  • Charge Rate: 0.7
  • Magazine: 1
  • Noise: Silent
  • Reload: 0.6
  • Trigger: Charge

Proboscis Cernos Damage

  • Critical Chance: 7%
  • Critical Multiplier: 1.9x
  • Status: 43%
  • Impact: 103.2
  • Puncture: 30.7
  • Slash: 145.1
  • Total: 279

Proboscis Cernos Radial Attack

  • Range: 7
  • Embed Delay: 1.7
  • Falloff: 50%
  • Viral: 1003

The main Attributes of Proboscis Cernos In Warframe are mentioned below:

  1. Tendril Effect: The distinctive tendril effect of the Proboscis Cernos is its main characteristic. The arrows shoot lengthy tendrils that erupt upon hit with an adversary or surface. The tendrils actively seek out foes in the vicinity and draw them into the explosion caused by the arrow’s strike.
  2. Damage Profile: The Proboscis Cernos’s arrows do a significant amount of slash and impact damage. Because of this, the bow is especially potent against foes who have shields and health.  Over time, the tendrils that draw in foes do continuous slash and virus harm. The viral damage profile is further enhanced by the final explosion caused by the arrows, which causes a substantial amount of damage.
  3. Enemy Type Effectiveness: Although the bow has a high-status chance, its critical chance is still low. • The Proboscis Cernos is highly successful against flesh-type enemies, with Corpus opponents being especially susceptible. It also has minimal penetration damage, which makes it less useful against enemies with thick armor.
  4. Synergy with Abilities: The bow works in perfect harmony with Warframe abilities that demand enemies to be inside a limited area of effect. It is a great option for Spectres because of its pulling ability, which groups enemies for more effective elimination. The Proboscis Cernos is versatile enough to fit into a variety of Warframe builds, making it a useful tool for players experimenting with different playstyles.

Essentially, the Proboscis Cernos Warframe is a strategic tool with a distinct set of qualities that support crowd management, debuffing, and versatility in a variety of battle situations. It is not simply another kind of bow. Its powerful damage types and tendril effect make it an intimidating option for players who understand the subtleties of tactical and adaptable weapons in the Warframe world.

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Is the Proboscis Cernos Worth Using?

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Is the Proboscis Cernos Worth Using in Warframe

After knowing how to Get the Proboscis Cernos in Warframe, you should know whether Proboscis Cernos is worth using for your build. Whether or if the Proboscis Cernos is worth employing in Warframe is a controversial subject that relies on personal tastes, playstyles, and quest requirements. The following factors will help you decide whether this enhanced-infested bow is worthy of your attention:

Strength in Numbers: The Proboscis Cernos is quite good at managing people, which makes it very useful when dealing with large groups of adversaries. Enemies are effectively debuffed and drawn into a confined area by its tendril effect, enabling more controlled encounters.

Multishot and Status Build: The Proboscis Cernos performs better when it is built for stats like Multishot and other statuses. This makes it a great option for players who want objectives that emphasize crowd management and debuffs.

Limited Single Arrow Damage: It’s crucial to remember that using just one arrow can not do much harm. Players should concentrate on making the most of the special tendril effect and explosive arrow capabilities to fully use this ability.

Personal Preference: The Proboscis Cernos provides a new playstyle, yet other players may prefer other bows, such as the Nataruk. It is possible to fully realize its potential and accommodate personal preferences by experimenting with different builds and Warframes.


In conclusion, players who value the Proboscis Cernos’ prowess in crowd management and debuffing might consider it a good option. It may be a useful tool in certain scenarios because of its distinct tendril impact and flexibility to various builds. But whether or not the Proboscis Cernos fits a player’s chosen fighting style in the dynamic Warframe universe depends a lot on personal tastes and playstyles. This is all about How to Get the Proboscis Cernos in Warframe.

Among the many weapons available in Warframe, the Proboscis Cernos stands out as a unique and effective option. Its special tendril effect, viral damage, and high-status chance make it a very effective crowd-control weapon. Although it won’t replace every player’s preferred bow, the Proboscis Cernos pays off for those who take advantage of its special advantages and complementarities. Play around with different builds, unleash its might in various situations, and feel the rush of controlling an improved Infested bow in the Warframe universe’s front lines.


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